24 oct. 2008
Raiffeisen Bank
Google release Gmail Mobile 2.0 for Java phones and Blackberry
Unfortunately, not all of the features are available for all phone models.
To download the new version, you can visit the official website at m.google.com/mail via your mobile web browser.
Samsung Pixon, telefonul cu camera de 8 MP vine in Romania
In plus, Samsung Pixon are un display full touch de 3,2 inchi, dar si un Photo Browser integrat, care permite utilizatorului un acces facil la fotografii.
Samsung Pixon va fi disponibil in Franta, la mijlocul lunii octombrie, urmand ca mai apoi sa fie disponibil pe pietele din majoritatea tarilor europene si asiatice.
In Romania, Samsung Pixon va fi prezent pe piata pana la sfarsitul lui 2008.
Telefonul Samsung Pixon va fi importat oficial pe piata autohtona de catre HAT Group Co. Romania,
fiind testat pentru a functiona in retelele operatorilor Vodafone, Orange si Cosmote.
sursa: Cotidianul
Touchscreenurile vor invada piata
La doar o saptamana dupa lansare, operatorul anunta ca Instinct a devenit deja cel mai bine vandut terminal EV-DO din istoria sa. Si asta in timp de Apple anunta ca a vandut nu mai putin de 1 milion de iPhone-uri 3G in primele 3 zile dupa lansarea sa. Analistul de la IMS Research, Femi Omoni afirma ca primul iPhone a fost catalizatorul care a creat un interes urias pentru handseturile cu touchscreen. Nokia a anuntat recent faptul ca pregateste primul sau telefon cu touchscreen, care va fi destinat publicului de masa, cel mai mare consumator de terminale mobile.
Cum se trece la o alta retea de telefonie mobila, pastrand vechiul numar
ANC lanseaza marti site-ul www.portabilitate.ro prin intermediul caruia pune la dispozitia clientilor telecom din Romania un formular, ce trebuie completat pentru migrarea acestora catre alt operator, pastrand numarul de telefon neschimbat, explicand toate conditiile in care acest lucru se poate realiza.
Pe langa site-ul special creat de ANC, toti operatorii telecom din Romania, atat de telefonie mobila cat si fixa, vor fi obligati de ANC sa includa pe site-urile oficiale o sectiune in care sa puna la dispozitia clientilor formularele ce trebuie completate pentru ca abonatii telecom sa poata migra catre alte companii de telecomunicatii, fara a-si schimba numerele, conform ANC.
Portabilitatea numerelor este un serviciu destinat utilizatorilor de telefonie, care permite acestora sa isi pastreze acelasi numar de telefon atunci cand devin abonati ai altor furnizori.
“Clientii operatorilor telecom pot opta de cate ori doresc pentru a migra de la un operator la altul. Tarifele vor fi stabilite de operatori, inca nu se cunosc”, conform reprezentantilor ANC.
Acestia au subliniat ca operatorii de telefonie mobila se platesc intre ei cu 11 euro/abonat care migreaza, in timp ce operatorii de telefonie fixa se platesc cu 13 euro/utilizator. Sumele sunt platite de catre companiile care primesc abonati, catre cele care pierd abonati.
Seful ANC: Introducerea portabilitatii va avea un impact major in zona de business
Liviu Nistoran, seful Autoritatii Nationale de Comunicatii, a declarat pentru DailyBusiness.ro ca “introducerea portabilitatii va avea un impact major pentru baza de clienti-companii ai operatorilor telecom”.
“Pana in prezent era foarte greu ca o companie mare din Romania sa isi migreze flota de numere la un alt operator. Odata cu portabilitatea, vom asista cu siguranta in viitorul apropiat la o batalie a ofertelor operatorilor, preponderent pe segmentul de business”, este de parere Liviu Nistoran.
“De pe urma portabilitatii vor avea de castigat in special operatorii mici si mijlocii, care vor putea atrage clienti de la cei mari. Se relanseaza meciul competitivitatii pe piata telecom autohtona”, a mai spus Nistoran.
Seful ANC a subliniat ca nu poate prezice ce urmeaza sa se intample, din punct de vedere al schimbarii cotelor de piata intre operatori. “Este posibil orice”, a incheiat Nistoran.
Oficialii Orange Romania au declarat ca este inca prea devreme sa estimeze impactul introducerii portabilitatii in Romania.
“Deocamdata este prematur sa estimam impactul portabilitatii numerelor, dar daca avem in vedere experientele altor piete europene care au implementat portabilitatea numerelor, observam ca impactul masurii a fost relativ redus. Este foarte posibil ca, in Romania, tendintele sa fie similare cu cele din aceste tari europene”, au declarat pentru DailyBusiness.ro reprezentanti ai Orange Romania.
Acestia au subliniat ca implementarea portabilitatii numerelor implica investitii de “cateva milioane euro”.
Reprezentantii celui mai mare operator de telefonie mobila din Romania au precizat ca abonatii companiei vor putea depune cererea de portare in cadrul magazinelor proprii sau ale partenerilor Orange.
“Pagina web dedicata informarii clientilor privind portabilitatea numerelor va fi lansata odata cu introducerea portabilitatii”, au mai spus oficiali ai Orange Romania.
Reprezentantii operatorului Cosmote spun la randul lor ca implementarea acestui sistem va determina cu siguranta, pe termen mediu, intensificarea concurentei pe piata, mai ales in segmenul de business, in care multi clienti nu renunta la actualul operator pentru a trece la o oferta mai buna pentru ca numerele lor sunt cunoscute de partenerii de afaceri sau din alte motive.
“Avand in vedere experienta unor tari care au trecut deja prin acest proces de implementare (ex. Grecia), portabilitatea numerelor a adus beneficii acelui operator care detine ofertele cele mai relevante de pe piata si ne asteptam sa acaparam o parte importanta a celor care decid sa isi schimbe operatorul de telefonie mobila”, este parerea oficialilor Cosmote.
Intrebati despre investitiile facute in infrastructura tehnica, acestia au spus ca pentru implementarea portabilitatii, “costurile au fost deja incluse in bugetul de mentenanta a sistemului, astfel incat investitia a fost deja prevazuta”, fara sa dea alte detalii.
La nivel european, cea mai mare pondere a clientilor ce s-au portat de la un operator de telefonie mobila catre altul a fost inregistrata in Finlanda, unde 68,8% dintre clienti au ales sa migreze. Statele cu cea mai scazuta rata de migrare sunt Germania, Grecia, Franta si Portugalia, unde rata de migrare a fost de sub 3%.
Pe segmentul de telefonie fixa, statele europene cu cea mai mare rata de migrare au fost Olanda si Spania.
Resurse suplimentare
- Trecerea numarului de telefon in alta retea va dura maxim 30 de zile
- Mai multe detalii despre procesul de portabilitate
sursa: www.dailybusiness.ro
Sony Ericsson W595
Sony Ericsson W595
Caracteristici ale telefonului Sony Ericsson W595:
- Tehnologie 3G HSDPA plus apel video
- Camera de 3.2 megapixeli cu 2.5 zoom digital
- Camera video
- Display: TFT LCD, 262,144 culori, 240 x 320 pixeli
- Walkman® music player ( formate MP3, AAC, eAAC+ )
- Radio FM
- MegaBassTM
- TrackIDTM (ofera informatii legate de album, melodie si artist)
- PlayNowTM
- Sonerii polifonice/ MP3
- Speaker
- Inregistrare sunet
- Mesaje: SMS, MMS, Email
- Jocuri Java
- Wallpapere animate
- Organizator
- Memorie interna de 40 MB plus card de memorie MicroTM (8 GB)
- Conectivitate: Bluetooth, USB, modem
- Web browser, alimentare RSS
- Flight mode (offline mode)
- Alerta vibratie
- Dimensiuni: 100 X 47 x 14 mm
- Greutate: 104 g
- Quadband plus 3G (UMTS 2100 HSDPA)
- Durata baterie convorbire: 4.5 ore (3G) - 9 ore (2G)
- Durata baterie standby: 365 ore (3G) - 385 ore (2G)
Adding Google sitemap to blogger.com blog account
You can now add Google sitemap to your blogger.com account and increase your chances of being indexed in Google search engine result. You can add a Sitemap to your account to give Google more information about the pages in your site to help Google crawl them more effectively.
Step # 1: Login to sitemap account
At the top of screen you will see option to add site. Just paste URL of your blog (for example http://cyberciti.blogspot.com/)
Click on Ok button. Next you will get confirmation message. Your site has been added to your account.
Step # 2: Now you need to verify your ownership of blog to view detailed statistics. Click on verify link. Google offers two methods of verification. You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify (which is not possible with Google Blogger account), or you can add a META tag to your site’s index file. Adding META tag via template code is possible so just select Add a META tag from drop down menu:
It will generate code for you, copy the meta tag and paste it into your blogger.com template section).
Step # 3: Go to your blogger.com and login to your account. Goto your blog > Click on Template
Paste the META tag code after section:
Click on Save Template changes button
Click on Republish Index only button > Wait for few seconds so that your blog being published successfully.
Step # 4: Now goto sitemap account and click the box that read as follows:
I’ve added the META tag in the home page of http://cyberciti.blogspot.com/. Click on Verify button.
Step # 5: Now your site is added to sitemap account and verification is done. Next you need to add actual sitemap url. Since blogger.com account don’t allow you to create a text file or anything else you need to add your site feed (ATOM xml) file as a site map. Click on add a sitemap link:
Step # 6: You can add a Sitemap to your account to provide Google additional information about about your blog. Google will process your Sitemap and provide information on any errors in the Sitemaps tab as well your sitemap will be downloaded everyday to index your blog fast.
Select type as : Add General Web sitemap
Now you need to add Atom 0.3 feeds. Generally, you would use this format only if your site already has a syndication feed and this is the only way to add sitemap to your blogger.com account.
Paste url of your Atom feed: For examplehttp://cyberciti.blogspot.com/atom.xml and click on Add Web sitemap:
Update: If you are using a new blogger beta system, usehttp://yourblogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/full as a feed url.
(Click to enlarge image)
You will get confirmation:
You have added a Sitemap to http://cyberciti.blogspot.com/. Reports may take several hours to update. Thank you for your patience!
And you are done and your blog will be now index very fast (depend upon your posting and content).
Romanii ar accepta publicitatea pe mobil daca primesc MMS-uri la schimb
84% dintre cei care se declara impotriva reclamelor pe mobil ar renunta la idee in schimbul serviciului gratuit de trimitere SMS-uri, 71% in schimbul unei recompense materiale pentru fiecare mesaj comercial primit, iar 67% pentru accesul gratuit la Internet pe mobil.
Studiul a fost realizat de compania romaneasca Unlock Research, in urma a 150 de interviuri telefonice cu barbati si femei cu varste cuprinse intre 19 si 35 de ani, care locuiesc in Bucuresti. Toti respondentii au fost selectati sa aiba un nivel mediu si ridicat de educatie si venit.
60% din persoanele chestionate au spus ca au primit reclame pe telefonul mobil. Dintre acestea, aproape o treime (29%) sustin ca nu sunt de acord cu acestea in forma lor actuala, iar 26% sustin ca reclamele nu isi ating scopul.
55% din respondenti considera folositoare mesajele publicitare care ofera informatii despre concerte si evenimente, 50% le apreciaza pe cele care informeaza despre oferte de telefonie mobila, si doar 11% dintre respondenti considera utile mesajele electorale.
"Scopul studiului realizat de noi a fost de a identifica potentialul comunicarii prin telefonia mobila in Romania. Mai exact, am dorit sa verificam daca romanii sunt in momentul acesta deschisi catre cai alternative de comunicare, altele decat cele clasice", afirma Adina Vlad, managing partner in cadrul companiei Unlock Research.
Rezultatele studiului indica faptul ca, desi intr-o prima faza romanii resping ideea de a fi deranjati de mesaje publicitare pe telefon, intr-un final ei le pot accepta.
Principalele argumente in favoarea acestui tip de comunicare promotionala sunt ca "publicitatea pe telefonul mobil ajunge cu siguranta la sursa, ca este imposibil sa ratezi mesajul, mai ales daca acesta este prezentat intr-o forma adecvata si atragatoare", a precizat Adina Vlad.
Sursa: www.dailybusiness.ro
23 oct. 2008
Nokia N96 - detalii
GENERAL: 2G Reţea: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Retea: HSDPA 2100 / 900
HSDPA 850 / 1900 - versiunea americană
Anunţat: 2008, Februarie
Stare: Available. Lansat 2008, septembrie
Size: Dimensiuni: 103 x 55 x 18 mm, 92 cc
Greutate: 125 g
DISPLAY: Tip: TFT, 16M colors
Dimensiune: 240 X 320 pixeli, 2.8 inch
Tonuri: Tip: Polyphonic (64 canale), Monofonice, Tonuri reale, MP3
Vibraţii: DA
MEMORIE: Agendă telefonică nelimitata de intrări şi de domenii, Photocall
Apel de înregistrări detaliate, max 30 zile
Suport card microSD (TransFlash), până la 8GB
- 16 GB memorie interna
- 128MB RAM, 256MB memorie de stocare
- Dual ARM 9 264 MHz CPU
DATE GPRS Class 32, 107 / 64.2 kbps
EDGE Class 32, 296 kbps; DTM Class 11, 177 kbps
3G HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b / g, UPnP tehnologie
Bluetooth Yes, v2.0 cu A2DP
Infraroşu No
USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB
CARACTERISTICI Sistem de operare Symbian OS 9.3, S60 Rel. 3.2
Mesaje SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, Cititor RSS
Jocuri Descărcare, comanda acum
Culori Black
Aparat foto 5 MP, 2592x1944 pixeli, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, video (VGA 30fps), flash; secundare VGA videocall camera foto-video
- Built-in GPS receiver
- A-GPS funcţie
- DVB-H TV broadcast receiver
- Dual slide design
- Java MIDP 2.1
- MP3/AAC/AAC + / eAAC + / WMA player
- 3,5 mm jack de ieşire audio
- TV în
- Radio FM Stereo cu RDS
- Organizator
- Document Office Viewer
- T9
- Apasă şi vorbeşte
- Apelare vocală
- set Mâini libere
ACUMULATOR Baterie standard, Li-Ion 950 mAh (BL-5F)
Stand-by pana la220 h
Timp de vorbire pana la 3 h 40 min
22 oct. 2008
LG KC910
Caracteristici ale telefonului LG KC910:
Camera de 8 megapixeli cu autofocus, xenon flash, stabilizator imagine, detectarea a fetei
Inregistrare video
Video Player (MPEG4 & DivX)
Apel video
Mesaje: SMS, MMS, EMS, Email, T9
Music Player (MP3 & AAC)
Radio FM
Sunet Dolby
Sonerii polifonice/ MP3
Jocuri Java
Comanda voce
Document Viewer (doc, xls & pdf)
GPS cu navigare AGPS
Conectivitate: 3G HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth® cu A2DP, USB, EDGE, GPRS
Retea: Quad Band Technology (GSM 850, GSM 900, GSM 1800 & GSM 1900), HSDPA 2100
Internet: WAP Browser XHTML, HTML
Memorie: suport card de memorie MicroSDTM de pana la 8 gb
Durata baterie convorbire: TBC
Durata baterie standby: TBC
Greutate: 114 g
Dimensiuni: 107.8 x 55.9 x 14 mm
Nokia N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX Edition
Nokia has announced the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet WiMAX Edition at CTIA this week in Las Vegas. The Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition is the latest iteration of Nokia’s popular line of Internet Tablet products and is the first Nokia product engineered to take advantage of new wide-area high-speed mobile WiMAX networks.
The Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition is expected to be available in the United States during the summer of 2008 in areas where WiMAX connectivity is available.
WiMAX is a standards-based wireless broadband technology that delivers an open Internet experience similar to that of fixed broadband technologies with typical data download speeds of up to 2-4 Mbps per user with peak download speeds of up to 10 Mbps. Unlike current single point local area technologies like Wi-Fi which have a range of a few hundred feet, WiMAX networks consist of a number of interconnected base stations, each with a radius of up to 2-3 miles, that allow for handoffs from one base station to another as users move about a region or metro area. Additionally, WiMAX networks integrate technology designed to maximize the quality of service for each subscriber.
“By delivering the kind of open Internet experience that consumers previously only expected on a desktop PC, the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition is a compelling example of how next generation broadband wireless technology will not only change the way people think about the Internet, it will change the very nature of the Internet itself,” said Ari Virtanen, Vice President of Convergence Products for Nokia. “Much in the way that the evolution of the fixed Internet from dial-up to broadband enabled a host of new Internet services and changed people’s expectations of what an Internet experience should be, the transition to a broadband Internet experience set free from the constraints of a fixed network will spark the next wave of new mobile Internet services, and will forever change the perception of what the Internet can be.”
Along with a full featured web browser, powered by Mozilla, that takes full advantage of the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition’s large 4.13 inch touch screen and slide-out QWERTY keyboard, a variety of popular web-based services are also supported. Many of these applications can be found on Nokia’s dedicated OS 2008 User Site. To keep connected while on-the-go, a number of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Instant Messaging (IM) clients are available, including Skype(TM), Google Talk(TM), and Gizmo5, which can also take advantage of the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition’s built-in web cam for video calls. A client for the popular Rhapsody online music service is also available, transforming the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition into a portable jukebox with millions of songs available to enjoy at a few taps of the screen. Beyond these well-known services, an active developer community has also emerged around the Linux-based Internet Tablet platform, creating additional applications - from games to productivity tools.
A number of additional features further enhance the utility of the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition. With built-in GPS, the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition can easily transform itself into a fully featured personal navigation device, complete with real-time on-screen maps. An integrated media player and 2 GB of internal memory, expandable to a full 10 GB of memory with the addition of an optional microSD memory card, allows the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition to store and play back a large library of music and video content. When not in range of a WiMAX network, the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition can also access the Internet over Wi-Fi or via conventional cellular data networks by pairing to a compatible mobile phone via Bluetooth technology.
Also being introduced with the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition is the newest Internet Tablet operating system. This new upgraded OS2008 introduces useful new features to the platform, including an enhanced e-mail client, support for Chinese character rendering in the browser and RSS feeds and Seamless Software Update functionality to eliminate manual software updates, making periodic updates of the operating system quick and easy. While standard on the Nokia N810 WiMAX Edition, current owners of Nokia N810 and N800 Internet Tablets with earlier operating systems will be able to upgrade their device to the revised operating system for free during the second quarter of 2008.